Dont Do
Work In Progress
Don't do
// Don't Use void without async
public void DynamicEventVoid(ILoginSession loginSession, InputField inputField)
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
Debug.Log($"Inputfiled {inputField.text}");
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
stringBuilder.AppendLine($"Adding {inputField.text} : {i}");
var bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(stringBuilder.ToString());
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream($"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\\Assets\\void with async file stream {i}.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: true))
fileStream.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
Debug.Log("Done creating text file");
Debug.Log($"Dynamic void Invoked by Async Method took {stopwatch.Elapsed}");
// does not work. cant use GetComponent<> with async
public void DynamicEvent(ILoginSession loginSession, GameObject gameObject)
Debug.Log($"Cube Name {gameObject.GetComponent<DynamicAttributeEvents>().CubeName}");
Debug.Log("Attempting to modify cube");
gameObject.GetComponent<DynamicAttributeEvents>().CubeName = "Async Invoked";
// does not work either, cant access or modify UI/gameobjects on seperate thread other than main
public void DynamicEventAsync(ILoginSession loginSession, GameObject gameObject)
Debug.Log($"Gameobject Name {}");
// doesnt work with async, exception is most likely thrown but never caught
public void DynamicEventVoid(ILoginSession loginSession, InputField inputField)
Debug.Log($"Input Filed Value {inputField.text}");
inputField.text = "Text has been changed Dynamically, async invoke but void method";
// doesnt throw exception and modifies object on seperate thread without updating main thread
public async void DynamicEventAsync(ILoginSession loginSession, InputField inputField)
Debug.Log($"Input Filed Value {inputField.text}");
await Task.Run(() => { inputField.text = "Text has been changed Dynamically, Async void"; });
// method does not execute after the first debug.log, an exception is most likely thrown but never caught
// if an inputField was already modified on the same thread(not the main thread) then updated values will
// be shown in the Debug.Log() statement. Main thread inputField will not show changes because
// async methods cant modify objects on the main thread(in this scenario, but may be possible with locking)
public async Task DynamicEventAwaitAsync(ILoginSession loginSession, InputField inputField)
Debug.Log($"Input Filed Value {inputField.text}");
await Task.Run(() => { inputField.text = "Text has been changed Dynamically, async await Task"; });
Debug.Log($"Input Filed Value updated {inputField.text}");
Last updated
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